Using Jazz with DL1

Using Jazz with DL1. 1

Introduction – what is DL1?. 1

Configuring MANASYS Jazz for DL1. 1

Converting Easytrieve DL1 Definitions to Jazz. 1

Creating a Jazz DL1 Program.. 1

Parking. 1

Defining our DL1 Database. 1

DL1 Records from COBOL. 1

Input and Output 1


GET. 1



To use DL1 with Jazz requires Jazz Version or later.

Introduction – what is DL1?

DL1 (or DL/1 or DL/I or DLI) is a hierarchical database system, part of IMS (Information Management System), developed in 1966 by IBM, Rockwell, and Caterpillar for the Apollo program to send a man to the moon. It started the database management system revolution, and although it has been superseded by relational databases such as DB2 and others, it still exists in legacy IBM environments.  From Build #310 MANASYS Jazz users will be able to convert Easytrieve programs using DL1 to Jazz, which will create COBOL to read and update DL1 databases.   As with SQL, Jazz attempts to minimize the differences between DL1 and other data, for example using PROCESS and GET to read [and update] data, and WRITE to create new data. (DLI stands for “Data Language Interface”, but all programmers I knew that worked with it called it “D L one”, not “D L eye”, so I’ve used DL1 in Jazz). 

Although MANASYS minimizes differences, to work with Jazz and DL1 successfully you will need to understand how a hierarchical database works so that you can work with it.  DL1 is very different to relational databases.  Three key points: -

1.    DL1 is designed to be used from a program, written in languages like Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, Easytrieve, etc.  It has no intrinsic query language.  It cannot be used on its own, but relies on an application program to read and write records, handling execution sequence and display.

2.    Data is arranged hierarchically, as shown in IMS DB - Structure (   Each unit – “Segment” in DL1, “Record” in COBOL and Jazz – is the smallest unit that can be read or written, and will contain 1 or more fields.  This diagram, from IMS DB - DL/I Processing (, shows an example.  Records can be read sequentially or directly.  The root segment (Library) can be read directly by its key, lower level segments are read with the concatenated key of their path, as shown here for Commerce.

3.    DL1 depends on the application language (COBOL, Easytrieve, etc) to define the fields within the database.   We are used to modern databases like DB2, Oracle, etc., containing tables and columns, with the columns (fields) giving us a detailed definition of the database structure.  This allows query languages like SQL to interpret statements like (SELECT Name, City FROM Library WHERE City IN (SELECT City From CityList where CityList.Country = “USA”).  A DL1 database however may contain no more information about a record than its name, length, and key length, and its relationship to other segments. 

For example, the only information recorded about the Library record is that the record length and key length are both 10 bytes.  Whether these 10 bytes contain 1 or several fields known to COBOL (etc) is not defined.  In order to use Jazz with DL1 it will be necessary to combine the information in the database with information from a COBOL or Easytrieve program, as described below in Defining our DL1 Database.

Compared to DB2 and other relational databases DL1 operations are very fast, but it is up to the application program to define the navigation necessary to get to the data you want.  With its defined hierarchy DL1 is less flexible than relational databases, and DL1 databases are complex to implement and difficult to manage.  In the 21st century I doubt that anybody would choose to use DL1 for a new database application, but it was a good idea in 1966.  Remember, it was designed for a world in which computer memory cost about $2.5 billion per megabyte (current price about $2), and was important in the Apollo Program that got men to the moon in 1969.  It wasn’t until about 1980 that computers became powerful enough and cheap enough that relational databases, first proposed in 1974, started to become viable.

“DL/1”, “DL1”, “DLI”, “IMS DC”, and “IMS” are all synonyms as far as we are concerned.  We need not be concerned with their differences, or with the differences between various versions, we are only concerned with how you use MANASYS Jazz with DL1.  For an introduction to DL1 see  MANASYS Jazz does not support IMS-DC, communication software that, like CICS, manages on line programs.

Configuring MANASYS Jazz for DL1

Before you can use DL1 with MANASYS Jazz, you must enable DL/I support. DL1 support is still under development and should only be used by our development partners at this stage. 

Open the Jazz workbench, click [Configure], and click the DL1 tab.  Check Enable DL1.

The form defines the local and mainframe libraries that you’ll use for general DL1 programming. However, if you are converting Easytrieve Programs to Jazz, for later conversion to COBOL, the local libraries are not used as the EZT program contains all the information that will be needed, and this information is directly available to the Jazz program with Data/Import From Easytrieve. 


There are 3 rows of textboxes.  The psb (1st) and dbd (2nd) rows are particularly important.  PSB means Program Specification Block, DBD means Database Descriptor.  The z/OS Library values must be defined as these will be used to create the JCL used when jobs are submitted to compile and run COBOL programs using DL1.  However if you are using Import-from-Easytrieve to get data definitions, the local path values are largely ignored.

The 3rd row is disabled.  This row contains information that would be needed if you were going to generate classical CICS programs using IMS-DC, communication software that performs the same functions as CICS, although with different program interface.   There are no current plans to implement IMS-DC support in MANASYS Jazz, but the 3rd row is defined in case this should change.

Most likely you will set these values by clicking [Browse] and navigating to the relevant folder.  The line message will tell you if they’ve been found.  Also, you’ll get a warning message “Not end with xxx” if the folder name doesn’t end with the expected text, for example


If MANASYS is configured to work directly with z/OS (see Configure/Workbench tab) then the local folders will need to contain copies of information held in the corresponding z/OS library.   When a particular object is needed but it’s not found, a dialog will help you to download it from the z/OS library.

If MANASYS is configured to work with Micro Focus COBOL then the local folders are shared between MANASYS Jazz where COBOL is generated, and Micro Focus where the COBOL is compiled.  If the folders don’t exist and you create them from this dialog, then they will be available to the project but they won’t be visible in Solution Explorer.  You can however create the folder with

·         In Solution Explorer, right-click your project, e.g. TstSQL here

·         Click Add/New Folder from the context menu

·         Give the folder the name that you want, e.g. psb

This will create the folder within the current folder (in this case TstSQL), and also make it visible in Solution Explorer.  It is recommended that you do this first in your COBOL project, enabling DL1 and making the folders visible, and then locate these folders when you configure MANASYS to support DL1.   It doesn’t matter whether they are part of the Jazz project, it will find what it wants from the folders anyway, but they need to be part of the COBOL project so that Build Project includes them, allowing the compiled COBOL program to run.

Converting Easytrieve DL1 Definitions to Jazz

As always, the first part of any EZT conversion is to use the dialog New/Data/Import from Easytrieve to create a copy book containing all of the data definitions used by the EZT program.  If our program is called ADL1PGM, then a copy book named EZT-ADL1PGM-DATA will be created containing all of the data definitions required by the program in Jazz format.  Like any other EZT-converted definition, it will contain information for sequential and VSAM files, and their record definitions, plus working data definitions from this program. EZT-ADL1PGM-DATA will also include a definition of PSBNAME with data type PCB, and definitions for each segment used by this program with type DL1. These definitions are all found in the EZT program, either directly or in EZT macros.

The definition of PSBNAME will look something like this



        PSBNAME-DBD CHAR(8),  [DB-Name]

        PSBNAME-LEV CHAR(2),

        PSBNAME-STC CHAR(2),  [Status-Code]

        PSBNAME-PRO CHAR(4), [Processing-Option]

        FILLER CHAR(4),

        PSBNAME-SEG CHAR(8),  [Segment-Name]



        PSBNAME-KFA CHAR(254), [KFBA (key feedback area, variable!)

        End GROUP);


For each DL1 segment there will be a definition created looking like this: -


    SEGMENT CHAR(350),


        Field Format ,


        End GROUP,



        End GROUP,


V05P1A is the root segment of this database, like the Library segment in the diagram above. V01P2A is a second-level segment, like Books.  Such segments are defined like V01P1A, but include PARENT naming their parent segment.  For example,


    SEGMENT CHAR(300),


This allows MANASYS to ensure the validity of Jazz statements and generated COBOL statements, and to know when direct access to any is possible or when access is only possible for records that are related to a parent segment.

Creating a Jazz DL1 Program

Like any other batch program, once we’ve defined the main copybooks defining the program’s input data, we use the New/Logic/Batch dialog to start creating its logic.   Our program uses DL1 so we check Use DL1 Database, and give the name of the PSB, in this example PSBNAME.  Other details are like other new programs.  The input file might be a DL1 root segment, or an unrelated file as here: -

This results in a Jazz program that starts like this: -



    *# SSA's go here ==>


*# Copy Files here ==>

#762 W COPY code produces 1 W and 0 I messages


    #785 W File will be processed in its natural order

*#Copy Process logic here ==>


*#Copy Next Process here ==>

*#Copy Routines here ==>

At this stage we could [Process] this program and compile the COBOL.  Of course, it wouldn’t actually do anything except read file SYS031 to end, but at least it would have the correct format for a DL1 COBOL program, with PSBNAME generated into the linkage section and the procedure division starting with



Now we convert the logic of our EZT program into program ADL1PGM using the Easytrieve Conversion Notepad to convert the logic into Jazz.  This process is described in  The only section of this that is specific to DL1 is EZT_DLI_Statements.


Build #310 has concentrated entirely on programs that have resulted from EZT conversion, a later release will enhance it to allow for general use of Jazz for new DL1 programs.   You can ignore the following notes: they are my own draft notes of how Jazz may look with further development. As with SQL, the plan is to make it possible to write programs using PROCESS, GET, etc used in essentially the same way whatever the organization of the data.  For example, you’ll be able to write

            GET DL1Seg WHERE (condition) UPDATE;
            END GET DL1Seg UPDATE;

MANASYS Jazz would generate all the SSA’s needed for this to work, or report errors if the statements are invalid.   However, this is a significant development, and for EZT conversion (the initial priority) it is unnecessary as the logic is already present in the EZT program and it makes no sense to convert the DLI statements into another format and then develop logic to convert this other format back to something closer to the original EZT logic.  The plan above is only worth doing if there is a real need to write new Jazz DL1 programs. 

Defining the DL1 Database

Once MANASYS is configured to work with DL1, you can write Jazz programs that access DL1 by starting them with something like


DEMO001T is the name of a PSB (Program Specification Block) describing your DL1 database.  From this PROGRAM statement MANASYS knows

1.    to retrieve the PSB and related DBD (Database Descriptor),

2.    Function and Return Codes needed to access DL1, and

3.    to generate a PCB to manage communication between COBOL and DL1. 


This defines the basic DL1 environment, but we still must define the records that we’ll be accessing, just as we did with



so Jazz inserts a copy statement


to contain the record definitions.

JZ-DEMO001T won’t exist initially, so we have to create it.  We can do this with Import-From-COBOL or Import-From-Easytrieve, or by creating the definition using the Jazz Workbench starting with a blank screen.  The last option is the hardest as we have to be careful to get all the record descriptions exactly correct and make sure that the particular rules of the data type have been followed.  It’s much easier to create the definitions starting with COBOL or EZT, and then enhance this definition with Jazz properties like RANGE, CODE, etc to make it more powerful. 

DL1 records (segments) are defined with type DL1, otherwise they are the same as any other Jazz data definition: -

Library is the root segment of the database illustrated above.  For other segments, the definition contains a Parent property, e.g.

            DEFINE Books DL1 PARENT Library DATA(

Such record definitions are invalid if they are used within a program that does not specify DATABASE Psbname DL1, or if Library and Books are not within the list of record names contained in the PSB.

DL1 Records from COBOL

If you have a DL1 program that processes DL1 with a PSB, then you can prepare the definition starting with Import from COBOL, provided that MANASYS Jazz is configured for DL1, and the PSB and related DBD are available in the local PSB and DBD folders.  Then use Import from COBOL to convert your COBOL program, with the DL1 panel naming the PSB.  This will cause the entire program to be scanned for conversion, but only the records named as segments in the PSB to be processed.

Input and Output

Records in a DL1 database are processed with the same statements as VSAM, SQL, and other file types: PROCESS, GET, WRITE, UPDATE, and DELETE.  In some cases there are some extra options and a little more flexibility, but generally there is as little difference as possible.  Users will have to understand the DL1 database structure, and the sequence of operations necessary to navigate around the database, to use them successfully with DL1.


As usual, PROCESS /END PROCESS is used to read records sequentially.  With DL1 the first PROCESS must read the top record of a hierarchy (Library), within this there can be further levels of PROCESS, but they must specify lower-level records in hierarchical sequence.  For example, to print a list of Books about Commerce,

PROCESS Library;

    PROCESS Books;

        PROCESS Commerce;

            PRINT (, Books.SectionName, Commerce.Title);

        END PROCESS Commerce;

    END PROCESS Books;



1.    The outer PROCESS statement may have an ORDER option, but ORDER will probably not be permitted at lower hierarchy levels. If you want to present lower-level records in a different sequence then it might be necessary to write the data to a work file which can then be re-processed in the sequence that you want.   But see #4

2.    Inner PROCESS statements read records within the hierarchy, for example PROCESS Books; only reads Books records for the current Library.

3.    Each PROCESS statement may have a WHERE condition, which may reference both key and non-key fields.  The WHERE condition is a filter: like reading a sequential file, all records are read but those that do not meet the WHERE criteria are discarded.  As with all other file types, you can use SQL operators BETWEEN, IN, and LIKE (or ~ meaning LIKE), as comparison operators.

4.    It may be possible to combine several hierarchy levels, for example
PROCESS Library, Books, Commerce;

            PRINT (, Books.SectionName, Commerce.Title);

END PROCESS Library, Books, Commerce;

If this is supported and the first record named is the root segment, it should be possible to allow ORDER.


GET is intended for situations where you want to read one particular record, and requires an SSA, KEY or WHERE option to specify which record you want.  SSA is always used when GET is generated by EZT conversion, and it can be assumed that the SSA has the correct format.

Like VSAM, a DL1 GET that is ambiguous returns the first record. 

In CICS programs GET may return the first of many records, with your program using PF7/8 paging to get the previous and next record.  It is not defined which record is “First”.


If the PROCESS or GET statement uses SSA, then these are explicitly written and may require that the PSB status code is checked.  When UPDATE options on PROCESS or GET statements are used to cause the record to be updated when the next record is retrieved, or the program finishes, they will be implicit and necessary status code checking will be automatically included.