Since 1980, when the first version of MANASYS was released,
we have had a single goal:
to make programming as simple as
sacrificing flexibility, efficiency, or the safety of proven technology.
Modern systems are overwhelmingly complex.
We manage data in a server (a
mainframe?) with files and databases, so we have to understand the rules of the
data management systems.
We need to present this data in
reports and screens, so we must understand the rules required to reformat and
present the data.
We need to get the data from the
server to a client device - whether a web page, a Windows program, a mobile
app, or even a 3270 screen, so we need to understand the differences between
the architecture of the server and the client devices, and the different rules
of the languages used in these environments
We need to understand the rules
required to move the data between environments.
We need to think of the issues of
shared data - what happens if we update an account at the same time as somebody
We need to think of security - how
do we ensure that the data gets from A to B without interference or discovery
by others.
our problem seemed relatively simple: "Maintain accurate records of our
customer's bank balances, and record all transactions affecting these
balances". So how did it get this complex?
one of the bullet points above represents one or more software systems that
have been developed to solve a lower-level problem. Databases organize data in more flexible ways
than basic files, allowing better data sharing and multiple ways of using the
same data. Our programming languages –
COBOL, Java, etc – will reformat data stored as binary or packed into
characters, and editing rules like PICTURE insert sign, currency and
punctuation symbols, and move the data into the report line or display screen,
and issue a command to write this to a printer or screen. And so on for all these points and many more
that weren’t mentioned. Our solution
ends up with layer upon layer of separate software managing the computer, data,
communication, security, etc, none of which can be omitted, and very few of
which coordinate with others. It becomes
the developer’s responsibility to manage the coordination, ensuring that the
Job Control Language (JCL) corresponds to the data definitions used by the COBOL
program, that we use the right statements to access and update the data, that
the data sent to a client device is appropriate and sent at the correct time,
and that a host of other details are correctly managed.
ask yourself – how much of this is related to the original problem? And how much is related to your technology
Almost all of the complexity relates to the solution,
very little relates to the business problem.
Developers spend most of their time implementing choices already
pre-determined by the technology choices that have been made. For example, the COBOL logic to read a series
of records from a VSAM file is very different to the equivalent logic reading a
series of records from a DB2 table. But
if the choices are pre-determined, then why can’t the development system choose
the necessary code? Two key principles that MANASYS has followed from the
beginning are “Say it once” and “Say What, not How”. Thus, you’ve already told MANASYS whether
“IN1” is VSAM or DB2, you don’t need to tell it again by writing different
VSAM using READ, IF logic, and an explicit SORT,
DB2 using EXEC SQL SELECT … with cursors.
The logic below will generate different COBOL, but perform the same function, whatever IN1’s type. And because Jazz definitions are more complete than COBOL’s, MANASYS will also generate JCL to run this report program.
WHERE (IN1.Region IN (1,6))
ORDER (IN1.Region BREAK, IN1.District BREAK, IN1.Name);
BREAK(IN1.District),FR.Name BREAK (IN1.District), IN1.District BREAK,
IN1.Name, IN1.SalesThisMonth
An even more extreme example of these principles is shown in the web service program used in the Bridging Two Worlds video. Here we created a Jazz definition of DB2 table Employee and then we created a web service from this definition with a few clicks. The definition already defines the validity rules for each field, so MANASYS Jazz has no difficulty in generating COBOL to check that input fields have valid values. Once the web service is created, another two dialog clicks creates the client-side interface, and again the validity rules of the input fields are built into the interface from this definition, ensuring that invalid data is unlikely to even reach the web service. In this example
started with 21 lines of DB2 table definition, mostly written for us with the
dialog: Import From SQL.
New/Logic/WebService created 25 lines of Jazz web
service program, plus 58 lines of Jazz message definition
became about 2500 lines of COBOL
which 320 lines of JSON was generated
which MANASYS Jazz generated about 1000 lines of C# client interface
of which compiled and worked first time
Very little information that was already known had to be repeated. All the required code – COBOL, JSON, and C# – was inferred from the data definitions and the dialog responses.
Click here to learn more about MANASYS Jazz. Download a free evaluation copy of the software if you want to try it out. Or contact me if you have any questions.