MANASYS Jazz – Agile for COBOL
Picture this scenario
You are the head of Digital Banking at a major
financial institution. Your legacy banking software has been your core banking
platform for decades. It’s written in
COBOL and never seems to break. COBOL development
is difficult and skills are scarce, so of course you’ve outsourced its
development off shore. Nobody knows the
system completely – it embodies decades of banking knowledge and experience –
but there is no problem as long as it doesn’t need to be changed.
But you can’t stand still! Now the government is insisting that new
legislative requirements be met within two years, and you know that this means
changes to your core software to extract more information out of your legacy
systems. You know that this will take time.
You start the process: you call technology and advise
them of your requirements. With a worried look they assign a Business Analyst
to your case. Meetings are arranged, requirements are documented. Time passes.
Weeks, perhaps months, go by.
Eventually you’re able to sign off the requirements.
At last programming can start. You have little option
except to wait for delivery of bits and pieces of the new COBOL code so that
they can be tested in your development environment. Does it work correctly? Is it actually what you need? “Robust” discussions with the supplier
follow, and you have to pay for more “out of scope” work. You have very little control over the
Eventually it’s finished, but the “simple” change has
now cost a million dollars, and taken 6 months.
But what choice did you have?
There is a better way.
Now picture this scenario.
You are the head of Digital Banking at a major
financial institution. Your COBOL legacy banking application has been the core
banking platform for the bank for decades.
Your Head of Technology has invested in a product
called MANASYS JAZZ from JAZZ Software, a high-level programing platform that
brings COBOL development into the 21st century.
You have on your team a Business Analyst who has been
taught how to use MANASYS Jazz, and has it installed on his laptop. He brings this
to a meeting where your business requirements are explained. While listening to
you, the BA is quietly typing, using the JAZZ workbench to document your
At the end of the discussion the BA asks if you would
like to see a prototype running on the mainframe development system now. He
submits his work to the mainframe, the job runs, and a result is on the screen
for you to see. The prototype isn’t exactly
right: it’s showing you what you asked for, but you now realize that more is
needed. You discuss this with the BA,
who makes some more notes, and you schedule another meeting for a week later.
A week later he shows you the current prototype. Most calculation details have been completed,
and the prototype is reading the complete file.
But the BA has found some issues in the file that neither he nor you
knew about that may prevent success. You
discuss who the BA should meet with to find a resolution, and schedule another
weekly meeting.
With assistance the BA has found some more files that
contain the answer. He demonstrates the
current prototype, which is almost complete.
With a few more weekly cycles it is ready for production, so you approve
it and the program is handed off to system support. It is promoted to production through their
usual review processes.
You have completed the project in less time and cost
than it previously took just to get sign-off to start programming. And you were never out of control.
It can be that simple.
Manasys JAZZ – Agile for COBOL